
Welcome to FINCIS’s online training portal.
Register by filling in the information below. Note! If you do not belong to the sports federation, choose “Guest” or “Sports Institutes”

First name is compulsory information

Surname is compulsory information

Email is compulsory information

The password must contain at least 5 characters

The password must contain at least 5 characters

Sports federation is compulsory information

Role is compulsory information

Date of birth is compulsory information
I have familiarised myself with the FINCIS privacy policy and give my consent to the utilisation of my personal data in registering of my information. *
* Compulsory field


This privacy policy outlines how the personal data of persons taking part in online trainings are processed by the Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS). The privacy policy describes which personal data are collected from the online portal and how they are used.

1. What data is collected and for what purpose?
Upon registration, the program stores the name, email address, date of birth, national federation or other selected organisation, possible sub-sport, role in sports and registration date of each user. In addition, the program registers online training completion data. The registration of completion data also allows for completing online training in parts. Registered users will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Sports federations and other sports organisations require separate reports to monitor the completion of online training for different target groups. The organisation selected upon registration can be provided with reports that include training completion data and the personal data collected. In addition to the selected organisation, the data can also be submitted to the Finnish Olympic Committee or the Finnish Paralympic Committee (mainly applies to athletes receiving athlete grants and competition teams), if necessary. The data are only used to verify the completion of online training and it is not disclosed to third parties.

2. Protection and erasure of data
All data are stored in a secure database. The data are erased 10 years after the completion of the last online training.

Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports FINCIS